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Being made redundant by Rolls-Royce after a successful 26-year career was a shock. 
But it was also an opportunity. 
I’d thought about setting up my own business but never taken the step to do it. So I spoke to some people who'd left the business and gone on their own. They told me it was the best thing that had happened to them. 
I decided I had to do it. I thought if I didn’t give it a go, I'd look back and regret not trying. 
I was fortunate to be given two months outplacement support and started trading on the 30th April 2014. 
The past ten years have certainly had their ups and downs. Obviously the pandemic had a massive impact. All my work had been face-to-face and disappeared overnight. I didn’t have a business. I had to decide whether I still wanted to do what I was doing. I did, so I had to move everything online. That had a big impact on my business and was a real turning point. 
Here are a few of the highlights. 
I've worked with, and supported, a wide variety of businesses from different sectors and of different sizes, from sole traders to Transport for London. 
I've set up and built my online delivery capability and still deliver 70% to 80% of my sessions virtually since the pandemic. This has opened up global markets for me. 
I've developed my Exceptional Team Blueprint™ framework and published several books. 
I’ve found my ideal networking group. 
I work as an associate for some great businesses alongside my own work. 
I’m building up an online platform for my Exceptional Team Blueprint™ offerings. 
I've started to provide career coaching and outplacement support with the same company that supported me when I left Rolls-Royce, so things have gone full circle. 
Setting up AWD Development Solutions has been one of the best things that’s happened for me in my working life. Just as people said it would be. 
Thank you to everyone who's been involved in, and supported, my journey so far. 
And a massive “thank you” to my past, current and future clients. 
Here’s to the next ten years. 
Best wishes, 
©2024 AWD Development Solutions Ltd. 
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